
About Me

We are a group of people petitioning sponsors, advertisers and shareholders to get Kyle off the radio and TV due to his disgusting comments. Contact us at

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Open letter to 2DayFm sponsors

Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter have revolutionised the way ordinary people are making their voices heard, with hundreds, thousands and even millions of others users across the globe being informed in virtually seconds of a tweet or Facebook comment on any given subject. With the aid of this instantaneous and simple method of communication Sack Vile Kyle was able to gather and empower large numbers of men and women who opposed the appalling behaviour of Kyle Sandilands and express outrage towards (otherwise reputable) sponsors associating their brand name with this unsavoury character.

After Kyle Sandilands’s personal attacks against a popular Australian journalist, a number of Australians used these methods and called on advertisers and sponsors of the Kyle & Jackie O show and take 40 Australia to change their marketing strategies and disassociate themselves from Kyle’s vulgar behaviours and remove their marketing dollars from Kyle’s shows. From this call to action there was a mass exodus of 68 sponsors, the most recent being weight loss giant Jenny Craig, who abandoned sponsorship. Theirs was a smart move, redeeming themselves to their customers and minimising any damage (to their reputation) that such a bad association can bring to a company’s good name. Are you willing to risk your reputation by riding on the train wreck that is Kyle Sandilands?



  1. It is not the campaign that should be applauded, it is the sponsors. Media/journalism such as this should never be mainstream and the so-called respectable businessmen who allow it need sanctioning

  2. The campaign might still need a 'focus point' where debate about Kyle & Jackie O can continue.

    I'm the Admin of the forum site, and I invite you (and visitors) to make use of the site to continue the campaign.

  3. How about naming and shaming the owners of 2DayFM personally? Afterall they're the ones who are making money out of this vile, no-talent "personality".

  4. Great work SVK people. I love the approach too - get to the sponsors. The clowns that employ these people care only for the ratings (and through those ratings their revenues), so you've chosen to hit the where it hurts. Good stuff. Just keep in mind that they 2Day will stick it out whilever their income from advertising exceeds what they pay their clowns. Just keep chipping away at their sponsors (their income) and you'll get there eventually.
