
About Me

We are a group of people petitioning sponsors, advertisers and shareholders to get Kyle off the radio and TV due to his disgusting comments. Contact us at

Monday, February 27, 2012


Sorry it has been so long. We received great news last week, Kyle & Jackie O slipped 1% in their ratings. Either listeners are over this assault to the ears, or they are tuning out because Kyle has had to be on his best behaviour and is boring without his insults & abuse. Either way we are thrilled, this is another reason we can give advertisers to encourage them to remove their marketing $'s. Not only does advertising with The Kyle & Jackie O support verbal abuse and threats of violence, it also reaches less listeners!!!! Recently we have seen the return of various advertisers who have previously assured us they are not and will not advertise with the Kyle & Jackie O show. The most recent of these being You Save Chemist. We wish to reiterate our campaign goal. We wish for companies to remove their advertising spend from any radio or tv program featuring Kyle Sandliands so that they are not contributing to his multi-million $ wage and so that it is not fessiable for austereo to continue his show. We stand by this. We will continue to encourage advertisers to withdraw and we will heavily petition companies that return after telling us they do not condone or support Kyle. Follow us on twitter @sackvilekylefb Join us on Facebook