2012 sponsors
(as at 5th Feb 2012)
This list is of CONFIRMED sponsors so far for 2012. This list will updated as more sponsors are either confirmed or advertising is removed. Links will be added for Facebook and twitter soon
(as at 5th Feb 2012)
This list is of CONFIRMED sponsors so far for 2012. This list will updated as more sponsors are either confirmed or advertising is removed. Links will be added for Facebook and twitter soon
- Anz Stadium https://www.facebook.com/anzstadium?sk=wall
- Auslotto Austereo: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernCrossAustereo?sk=wall&filter=12 @SCrossAustereo
- Australian Financial Review (Fairfax media) @financialreview
- Avondale Funerals
- Baby Mum-mum www.babymummum.com.au
- Biggest Loser Singles - Southern Cross Ten
- Biosculpture http://www.biosculpture.com.au/
- Bridal Expo Sydney www.ultimatebridalevent.com.au; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stroudevents
- Brother Labels
- Brydons Compensation Lawyers www.brydons.com.au/# 1800 848 848 or 96012444
- Budget car rental https://www.budget.com.au/contact_us/default.aspx
- Cancer Institute NSW’s https://www.facebook.com/cancerNSW
- Castletowers (possible 3rd party) @CastleTowers https://www.facebook.com/CastleTowers?v=wall&viewas=0
- Channel 7 - http://www.facebook.com/Sunrise @natalie_barr @kochie_online @grantdenyer @melissadoyle @sunriseon7
- Centro Bankstown
- Concept33
- Dalani https://www.dalani.com.au/help.php?section=contactus&mode=update
- Dial an Angel
- Disneyland (possible 3rd party) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Disneyland-Resort/132596790123381 @disneyresorts
- Dodo https://www.facebook.com/dodoaustralia?sk=wall
- Emirates https://www.facebook.com/pages/Emirates-Airlines/258273348778 this could be dodgy -emirates
- Facial Rejuvination http://www.facialrejuvenation.com.au mailto:info@facialrejuvenation.com.au
- Gallery of Modern Art Brisbane https://www.facebook.com/QAGOMA?v=wall
- Georgina Walker Psychic to the Stars http://www.georginawalker.com/home.htm
- Googleads http://www.facebook.com/GoogleAdSense @googleadsense
- Hotdollar.com.au http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001807010356
- IcanQuit (possible 3rd party)
- IG Markets http://www.facebook.com/pages/IG-Markets/310641172293500 @IG_Markets
- Iselect mailto:info@iselect.com.au
- Jacksons on George (3rd party) http://www.facebook.com/jacksonsongeorge
- Little Do'er http://www.homesolutions.com.au/SupplierSite.asp?bid=320
- Matador
- Masterton Homes www.facebook.com/MastertonHomes
- Make Up Technicians School of Make Up www.discovermakeup.com.au
- Medibank http://www.facebook.com/
l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medibank.com.au%2FAbout-Us%2FContact-Us.aspxv&h=DAQFHctDKAQGJW15xDHygH_xYIoor5Aye qp7INXsUPx-DEg - Melbourne Inst. Tech. MIT Diploma. www.facebook.com/MIT.Australia www.mit.edu.au/gov
- MFAA - Mortgage and Finance Assoc Aust. http://www.mfaa.com.au/contactus.asp?menuid=166
- Moonlight Cinema https://www.facebook.com/moonlightcinemasydney
- Multitrip www.facebook.com/multitrip
- Nando’s in cross promotion with Coca Cola and Contiki Tours Nandos https://www.facebook.com/nandosaus?sk=wall&filter=1 Coca Cola http://www.facebook.com/CocaColaAustralia
- No Gaps Dental www.nogapsdental.com
- One 55 https://www.facebook.com/ONE55healthandfitness
- Plush Sofas http://www.plush.com.au/footer/contact-us
- Progressive Car Insurance http://www.progressiveonline.com.au/?code=9002802764&gclid=COG4vILK1K0CFSdKpgodCwIMmA
- Proton https://www.facebook.com/pages/Proton-Cars-Australia/112192208853159
- QuiBids https://www.facebook.com/quibids
- Radar Radio http://www.facebook.com/radarontheradio
- Renault vehicles Contact Us page: www.renault.com.ay/contact_us.html
- Revolution
- Rooty Hill RSL Contact Us page: http://rootyhillrsl.com.au/contact-us.html
- Royal Umbrella rice https://www.facebook.com/groups/Roy.Umb.Jas.Rice/
- Sandhurst Fine Foods (3rd party) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sandhurst-Fine-Foods/142650015763173?sk=wall&filter=12
- Smilebox http://www.facebook.com/smilebox
- Subaru @Subaru_Active
- Summer Mushrooms http://www.facebook.com/mushroomloversclub?sk=wall
- Telechoice
- Thailovelinks.com (3rd party)
- Tiger Airways Twitter http://twitter.com/TigerAirwaysAUS or http://www.tigerairways.com/au/en/contact_us.php
- Toshiba http://www.facebook.com/ToshibaANZ
- UTS Insert www.insert.edu.au
- Virgin Australia https://www.facebook.com/virginaustralia?sk=wall
- Whistleout http://www.facebook.com/WhistleOut?sk=wall (you'll have to post under one of their posts, they don't allow wall posts) @WhistleOut
- 2day FM @Hot30Countdown @hamishandandy @fifiandjules @kyleandjackieo @2DayFMSydney
You won't get Radar Radio to stop advertising - they're an offshoot of 2DayFM.
ReplyDeleteThese companies sponsor either the breakfast show directly or have been sighted on the Kyle & Jackie O 2DayFM website. We have obtained screen shots of any company listed here that are advertising on the website. A number of companies use a 3rd party for their online advertising, however the companies are able to speak to their marketing company and request that their advertisements are not on this specific website.
ReplyDeleteSack Vile Kyle is run by a group of people, not one person. Our Facebook page is tinyurl.com/vilekyle, twitter is @sackvilekylefb and email is sack_vile_kyle@hotmail.com. We are sorry these details were left out of this post, they are on several other posts in this blog.
What you are doing is WRONG. Harassment is WRONG. Using social media to BULLY many small business owners in WRONG.
ReplyDeleteIf your motives are right which i suspect is not the case your issue should be with Kyle and 2 Day FM directly. Why not send the harassment, phone calls, messages directly to them?
What Kyle is doing is wrong, and the ONLY way we can make this work is to make 2dayfm feel it where it counts the most, the loss of sponsors. If you are a small business, you're probably getting cheap advertising space because those bigger than you have walked away, then we are sorry to steal away your temporary glory but you have to ask yourself, is saving a few dollars worth the bad publicity to your company's good name? What Kyle does is about money, what we have to do is about money, and the only way to make a positive change is to work with the only reason the station is keeping him, MONEY!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour strategy is certainly not the ONLY way. You could even say its the WRONY way - did you know Kyle's audience increased in the last radio survey. That is because people like you are actually fuelling the fire and keeping him in the press and at the top of everyone's mind.
ReplyDeleteWhy not create a campaign to encourage people to stop listening to the show? The listeners can vote on the matter using their radio dials. This would have the same impact as less listeners means less money and makes a great case for Austereo to get rid of him. Your current strategy keeps ADDING to his listeners and gives Austereo MORE reason to keep him on air.
All your current strategy is doing is having a negative impact on other businesses that are doing nothing more than trying to make the best go they can in these tough retail times. Your strategy at the moment is making them pay for Kyle's mistake. Get some courage and take it directly to him.
So in the end all you have achieved is hurting other businesses and ADDING to Kyle's listeners. Your strategy is the BROKEN.
You're a very passionate person which leads us to believe one of two things, either you are (1) part of that small band of business STILL being contacted and asked to stop your support, or (2) a personal friend of Kyle Sandilands himself. However regardless of which, we hope you are not a marketing person as if you are you may need to find a new line of work, as your knowledge about what strategies help instigate change appears limited. The only people who will hurt the most is businesses and this is only temporarily until the matter is remedied. Listeners will not be hurting, they are too young or uninformed to care, if they did, they'd have switched him off years ago. As for numbers going up, we anticipated this only because of human curiousity, nothing more. Once he is gone, this will die down and new and more refreshing personalities, ones with style and decency of character will replace his foul mouth disgusting and lame excuse for entertainment. If you believe in him so much, then start your own campaign to save him, all it will cost you is some time and some passion which you seem to have plenty of (both). All the best
ReplyDeletethis is a comment that was on the Jenny Craig facebook page earlier this week "turning off the radio is like walking over the body of the woman who has been abused"
ReplyDeleteI am just a small business owner that disagrees with your strategy on hurting businesses. I choose not to listen to Kyle as i agree is not a great radio host and should be off the air. I have no issue with what you are trying to achieve just how you are going about it.