- American Express http://www.facebook.com/americanexpressaustralia (can all 2012)
- Art Gallery of New South Wales http://www.facebook.com/ArtGalleryofNSW
- Air New Zealand https://www.facebook.com/AirNewZealand.Australia?sk=wall
- Allianz (confirmed yet again after ads played 27/2)
- Amaysim
- Amber Tiles Australia
- Ancestory. com
- ANZ Stadium https://www.facebook.com/anzstadium?sk=wall (technical hitch 28/2)
- A Taste of Harmony
- Aussie Home Loans http://www.facebook.com/AussieHomeLoans -
- Australian College of Applied Psychology 26/3
- Australia Post http://www.facebook.com/australiapost
- Aus Grid http://www.facebook.com/Ausgrid?sk
- Australian Institute of Fitness
- Bankwest
- Bavarian Bier Cafe http://www.facebook.com/BavarianBierCafe
- Beaurepairs http://www.beaurepaires.com.au/contact-us/ (cancelled all 2012)
- Big W http://www.facebook.com/BIGWaustralia
- Biosculpture http://www.biosculpture.com.au/
- Blackberry Australia (also known as RIM) http://www.facebook.com/BlackBerryANZ
- Blackmores http://www.facebook.com/Blackmores (cancelled all 2012)
- Blackbird Cafe
- Boating Camping Fishing (traffic ad) 26/3
- Booty Camp
- Bridge Climb Sydney: https://www.facebook.com/bridgeclimbsydney?sk=wall&filter=1 @BridgeClimb_Syd
- BrideOnline
- Budget Cars https://www.budget.com.au/contact_us/default.aspx (23/2)
- Bulla Dairy Foods
- Bunnings Warehouse http://www.bunnings.com.au/contact-us_contact-us_store-feedback-2011.aspx#frameId=enquiryform&height=1278 (cancelled all 2012)
- Bupa https://www.facebook.com/BupaAustralia?sk=wall
- Car History
- CATC Designs
- Carnival Cruises
- Castle Towers https://www.facebook.com/CastleTowers?v=wall&viewas=0 23/2
- Celebrity Slim http://www.facebook.com/CelebritySlimAustraliahttp://www.facebook.com/PricelineAustralia?sk=wall 26/3
- Chux products
- Clean and Clear http://www.facebook.com/cleanandclearaustralia
- Club Med Asia Pacific http://www.facebook.com/ClubMedAsiapa
- Coles http://www.facebook.com/coles (cancelled all 2012)
- Community First Credit Union (27/3) http://www.communityfirst.com.au/Contact-us
- Commonwealth Bank http://www.facebook.com/commonwealthbank
- Crazy Johns - (cancelled all 2012)
- CUA http://www.facebook.com/CUA (cancelled all 2012)
- De Bras https://www.facebook.com/DeBrasforeveryBODY?sk=wall
- Dedes Venues
- Defence Housing Australia
- Dick Smith http://www.facebook.com/dicksmithaustralia
- Duracell
- eBay
- Egg Corporation (30/3)
- Fantastic Furniture
- Federal Govt
- Fernwood Fitness https://www.facebook.com/FernwoodFitness (22/2)
- Fitness First http://www.facebook.com/FitnessFirstAustralia?sk=wall
- Ford Australia http://www.facebook.com/Ford-Australia (cancelled all 2012 - now appearing as part of traffic/weather report but not paying Austereo)
- Forty Winks: https://www.facebook.com/fortywinksaustralia
- Fountain Sauce withdraw 26/3
- Flight Centre Australia http://www.facebook.com/flightcentreAU
- GIO (cancelled all 2012) Ads used - reafirm cancellation 26/3
- Glad Co
- Goldmark http://www.facebook.com/Goldmark.Australia?sk=wall
- Gold Lotto
- GreysOnline http://www.facebook.com/grays.australia?sk=wall
- Groupon http://www.facebook.com/groupon?sk=wall (again after ads played 29/2)
- Harvey Norman http://www.facebook.com/HarveyNormanAU?sk=wall
- Hewlett Packard https://www.facebook.com/HPaustralia (Radio 23/2) cancelled 23/2
- Holden http://www.facebook.com/holdenaustralia?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Holiday Inn http://www.facebook.com/hiaustralasia?sk=wall
- Honda - ads placed in error - again. 23/2
- Hyundai
- Ikea https://www.facebook.com/ikea.au?sk=wall (Radio 22/2) 23/2
- IMB (21/3)
- ING http://www.facebook.com/INGDIRECTAUS?sk=wall
- Interflora
- Jenny Craig
- Kia
- King Furniture https://www.facebook.com/kingfurniture
- Kogan https://www.facebook.com/kogan?sk=wall
- Kmart Tyre and Auto https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kmart-Tyre-Auto-Service/261062673939652?sk=wall&filter=1
- Lexus Australia http://www.facebook.com/LexusAustralia?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Liquorland (3/4) https://www.facebook.com/coles
- Liquid Deals
- Libra http://www.facebook.com/Libra?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- McDonalds Australia http://www.facebook.com/McDonaldsAU?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Macquarie University http://www.facebook.com/macquarieuni (cancelled all 2012)
- Mazda http://www.facebook.com/mazdaaus?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Medibank Private
- Metricon Homes https://www.facebook.com/metricon?sk=wall 29/2
- MFFA (21/3)
- Myer http://www.facebook.com/myer.mystore (cancelled all 2012) again 23/2
- Mitsubishi http://www.facebook.com/MitsubishiMotorsAustralia (cancelled all 2012)
- Multitrip www.facebook.com/multitrip email info@multitrip.com
- Mushroom Lovers (Summer Mushroom) 8/3 say they never advertised, but heard it myself!!
- My Bambini https://www.facebook.com/mybambini ad campaign ended 25/2
- Mylayby
- National Australia Bank https://www.facebook.com/NAB?sk=wall
- Napisan Napisan https://www.facebook.com/ReckittBenckiser?sk=wall
- Name Necklace
- NIDA - (cancelled all 2012)
- Nissan http://www.facebook.com/nissanaustralia?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Nova Employment https://www.facebook.com/novaemployment (21/2
- Olympus http://www.facebook.com/Olympus.Imaging.Australia?ref=ts
- Optus
- Original Mattress Factory https://www.facebook.com/pages/Original-Mattress-Factory/186730501349661?sk=wall (Radio 24/2) 27/2
- Pepsi are trying to work out how to untangle themselves (legal issues with some competitions going on for the next week) http://www.facebook.com/PepsiAustralia?sk=wall
- Perisher https://www.facebook.com/PerisherResort?sk=wall (22/2)
- Piazzo D'oro
- Rewards Central http://rewardscentral.com.au/help/contact.aspx (13/3)
- Roses Only (2/4) https://www.facebook.com/RosesOnlyGroup
- Royal College of Nursing
- RSVP (3rd party)
- Saba http://www.facebook.com/SABASTYLE?sk=wall
- Samsung http://www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileAu
- Sandhurst Fine Foods https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sandhurst-Fine-Foods/142650015763173?sk=wall&filter=12 7 Feb
- Sea World
- Seek Learning https://www.facebook.com/SEEKLearning (13/3)
- Sekisui House (2/4) http://www.sekisuihouse.com.au/nsw/Contact-Us/Customer-Feedback
- Skoda http:/www.facebook.com/SKODAOz?sk=wall
- Spotlight http://www.facebook.com/Spotlightstores?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Sony
- St George https://www.facebook.com/stgeorgebankaus (22/2)
- Stockland Residential
- StyleTread http://www.facebook.com/StyleTread
- Suncorp
- Target http://www.facebook.com/targetaus
- Telechoice (3/4) http://www.telechoice.com.au/help/contact
- Telstra http://www.facebook.com/Telstra?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Terri Scheer Landlord Insurance http://www.facebook.com/
l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fterrischeer.com.au%2Fcontact-us&h=NAQEKhdV8AQFNZfeUYEZuVOYU2na6G_ccCPDC4Qri683smw - The Good Guys http://www.facebook.com/thegoodguysAU?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- The Iconic
- The Smith Family Appeal
- Ticketek http://www.facebook.com/TicketekAustralia?sk=wall
- Toshiba
- Tourism New Zealand http://www.facebook.com/purenewzealand?sk=wall (can all 2012)
- Toyota http://www.facebook.com/toyota.aus
- Toys 'R Us http://www.facebook.com/toysrusau?sk=wall
- TPG https://www.facebook.com/SoulTPG?sk=wall email service@tpg.com.au (Radio 24/2 HOP)
- Trilby Misso (?)
- University of Western Sydney - (cancelled all 2012)
- Virgin Airlines https://www.facebook.com/virginaustralia?sk=wall 27/2
- Virgin Mobile - (cancelled all 2012)
- Vitamin King http://www.facebook.com/VitaminKingAustralia
- Vodafone http://www.facebook.com/vodafoneau?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Volkswagen http://www.facebook.com/VolkswagenAustralia?sk=wall (cancelled all 2012)
- Warner Bros Movie World
- Weight Watchers
- Westpoint Shopping
- William Blue College of Hospitality http://www.facebook.com/wbcollege
- Woolworths http://www.facebook.com/Woolworths
- Xero 27/3
- Yellow Glen https://www.facebook.com/yellowglen (Radio 23/2) 23/2 (again 29/2)
- YMCA https://www.facebook.com/sydneyymca?sk=wall (13/3)
- Youi Insurance confirmed again - ads placed in error, again. 23/2
UPDATED: 4/04/2012
This is a list of sponsors who have cancelled the Kyle & Jackie O Show.
Sponsors who have cancelled ALL advertising with ALL Kyle shows for ALL of 2012 are noted in brackets
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