
About Me

We are a group of people petitioning sponsors, advertisers and shareholders to get Kyle off the radio and TV due to his disgusting comments. Contact us at

Friday, April 27, 2012

3-4 loony women? We think not

Late last night (Thursday 26th April) almost a week after Kyle made these insensitive comments about baby Umar, SackVileKyle released this media statement describing Kyle's behaviour and his complete disregard for the processes and warnings that Southern Cross Austereo have put in place to curb his disgusting statements.
SCA have advised ACMA, other media outlets and companies that advertise on the Kyle & Jackie O show, that they have a number of processes and systems in place, as well as a list of "not allowed"s that will make sure Kyle does not offend again. They have said that the restrictions that ACMA will be placing on SCA are unworkable (the restrictions are basically that no-one on 2dayfm can demean women or children), and the systems in place work.
Further to this, we have been advised by various SCA/ 2dayfm insiders, that SCA is coaching companies on what to say when we approach them to request they remove their advertising from the Kyle & Jackie O show. This coaching includes things like "Southern Cross Austereo have processes in place and have assured us that similar issues will not reoccur".

Kyle has referred to us as 3-4 feminists in Victoria or somewhere like that. We have been advised that Southern Cross Austereo have told various media outlets and companies that advertise with them, that we are a bunch of loonies.
The truth is that this petition now has over 35,000 signatures from people calling on companies to cease advertising on 2dayfm until Kyle Sandilands is sacked. This Facebook group has almost 250 people regularly contacting companies that advertise on Kyle & Jackie O to request they remove advertising and this twitter feed has almost 300 people following it for regular update on our campaign.
These THOUSANDS of people are male and female. They include teachers, business executives, parents, accountants, people with no children, people with disabilities, victims of abuse, news reporters and more.

This campaign is so much more than 3-4 loony women.

Finally it would appear that despite their opinions that we are those few loony feminists, 2dayfm agrees with us. Within hours of the release of our statement last night, which we also sent to Southern Cross Austereo and 2dayfm, the podcast on the 2dayfm website was taken down.
If they didn't think it inappropriate, why were the traffic lights and whistles going off? Why was it removed?
Even more interesting, this podcast was on the 2dayfm website for almost a week, it was only removed AFTER we brought it to the attention of a number of media outlets. Did 2dayfm think that at the time it was inappropriate (hence the lights & whistles), but after nothing was said during Friday 20th April that it must have been OK and so was posted on the website?


  1. Looney? Did someone say "looney"???? Oh goodie, I like "looney" it means big $$$ for me! But alas....sadly these women are far from looney, in fact, the only looney ones are those who think they are. Anyone who thinks that standing up (as these MEN AND WOMEN in their thousands have) giving a voice to those who otherwise can't (like the Spider baby) and doing so in the name of morality, decency and above all, for the eradication of foul mouthed vulgarity and degradation by industry appointed "shock jocks" are looney and should seek immediate psychiatric help! Society simply cannot keep going as it is, with its little regard and respect for each other, it's tolerance of bullying and the trade off of these virtues for cheap shots and obscene sensationalism in the name of the almight dollar!!! It is a sad time in our evolution as human beings when standing up for what is moral and decent is perceived as hateful, wrong or (in this case) looney!!!

  2. Kate Drury et. al. - Please allow me to start by saying I respect your right to do what you're doing. But on the other hand, please respect others' rights to listen to Kyle. I don't feel as though you are targeting the listeners, and thankyou for that, however don't you think that ultimately it is up to us to decide if we've had enough of Kyle? This will reflect in the ratings, and that is what will really get the attention of 2DayFM management. You remove one sponsor - there's just another waiting in the wings ready to take its place. Therefore I'd be surprised if SCA has 'lost' anywhere near the $10 million various media reports have been quoting. May I suggest that you turn your attention to us, the listeners, in your campaign, as I believe this is where it will be won or lost. I agree that Kyle needs to watch what he says now and then. Which media personality doesn't? Personally, I am more concerned about the impact of Alan Jones and Today Tonight on our society rather than Kyle. As a daily listener living in Sydney, I believe the outcry if Kyle was removed based on your actions would be much much greater than the outcry you are making now. With all due respect, I don't think it's fair and rational to present an argument by selectively choosing those quotes which you disagree with or find offensive. As I said, I far from condone everything that Kyle says. However you know what, through listening to him on a daily basis, he never fails to bring a smile to my face or make me chuckle. By the way, I'm a Masters-educated professional living in the Eastern Suburbs. May I also assure you that I don't think you are loony. Though I don't agree with your cause, I admire your passion. I also have respect for your actions. Far be it for me to tell you what to do, however I wish you the best in what I strongly believe will be an unsuccessful fight. Prove me wrong. Good luck.

    1. Offensiveness is offensiveness, and just because we can't go after EVERYONE doesn't mean we agree with any of them. Kyle is but one fish in a large moshpit of torridness, but this campaign will not go away for a handful of 18-24 year olds who think his style is "cool" indeed, it is because they think it, that drives us more. Alan Jones and TT are not deemed as "cool" and their followings are insignificant, but the potential damage of Kyle's influence is castrophic if allowed to grow!!

  3. I observe this forum and know I am going to receive the usual, " I must work for them, I am pro Kyle, blah blah blah,however I must point out that the "whistle" you heard is actually just the sound grab for the sports part of the news bulletin, it was not to get Kyle of the air. It is important in any reporting of a story to ensure the fact's are correct.I think you should adjust your story to reflect that, as it seems very biased. Whilst I don't agree with what Kyle has said in the past, we just have to listen to any FM radio show to understand that they all discuss topics that are questionable. Do I support Kyle? Well no I don't, however I feel there is a need for those announcers that provoke reaction to be accepted on the airwaves, and Kyle is one of them ,so we all need to stop being sensitive... "Que all the Kyle bashers"

    1. Someone had to have played that sound grab. Jackie tells him to turn his mic off & says moving on. So even if the whistle isn't a "Kyle shut up" thing, someone was still trying to get him to shut up & move on. Also why would the sports sound thing come on when they aren't even up to the sports section? There was no reason for it to be played then. Maybe they use the same sound bite for the sports report & to shut him up? I'm not saying you are pro Kyle, blah blah blah, however I am giving you my thoughts on the audio clip and your post.

    2. I'm a bit confused what you mean about the "usual" you "must work for them", you are "pro-kyle". I don't remember either writing or approving those type of comments. If I did it must have been a while ago. Can you point me to these "usual"s so I can review the comments that I have approved and moderate them as necessary?

  4. Keep up the great work.
    Sandilands days are numbered, as will the once-great 2 dayfm if it allows this to drag out any longer

  5. To the many people who have written to us to tell us to just "change the station" please read this article by one of our supporters who explains why this is not a solution.

  6. Who cares if it was a whistle or a smoke alarm, what he said was gross and offensive.

  7. I heard Kyle say that the warning light came on. To be honest he did seem to disregard it and continue on in bad taste. I guess if the point of the Vile Kyle group on this occasion is to highlight that 2day's self-regulating didn't work because Kyle wasn't listening, then like it or not the group do have a point.

    1. That is what we doing, highlighting that the systems SCA have put into place, aren't working.

  8. If they deny using a warning system, that makes it even worse.
    Either way, it's unacceptable and unbelievable this got to air given the spotlight the show is under.

  9. I support the actions of this group. I'm certainly not loony or a femininst. Nor do I even live in Australia. I am Australian however, and am concerned about the (appalling) cultural tone that some high-ranked media people set for our young people.

    When such awful behaviour graces public airwaves, then the public have a right to have some say in what is broadcast. There has to be some moderation whether listeners like it or not.

    It's typical of 2DayFM and Kyle to refer to the group in that, way in an effort to try and dismiss their actions. I applaud this group of people for taking a stand.
